Electronic products are an integral part of our lives. From aviation to medical and healthcare industries, it’s tough to find an application that has yet to become electronic. With the emergence of smart technologies, even golf balls and baseball bats aren’t safe from the electronics revolution.  

To most, though, there is little more to an electronic product than the product itself, with few wondering what makes an electronic product work. But within every electronic device is an intricate network of circuits and components that allow the system to process information and operate. Although electronic components vary in purpose and appearance, they all serve the same end goal: to ensure an electronic device can operate to expectation.

What makes up an electronic product? Within this course, you’ll learn about how

  1. Voltage and current differ
  2. Electronic components are classified into passive components and active components
  3. Passive components operate and the differences between resistors, capacitors, and inductors
  4. Active components vary significantly in purpose and functionality
  5. Components come together to fit onto a Printed Circuit Board (PCB)

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