Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) in the electronics industry depend on a network of established relationships between component manufacturers, distributors, and manufacturers’ representatives (rep) to source components for their products. As the customer, the OEM has specific requirements that it must meet before placing an order. Each purchasing channel has its own set of pros and cons, and each customer must determine which suits their needs for any given project. For a positive – and cost effective – experience for the OEM, it’s essential to ensure the needs of the customer are aligned with the strengths of the component manufacturer, distributor or rep.

In this course, we’ll focus on distributors as the most prominent source of component sales, but from the eyes of an OEM and from a component manufacturer (or supplier to the distributor).

Specifically, you will learn about:

  1. The different types of distributors and their unique sales models
  2. The benefits of each distributor to both their suppliers and OEMs
  3. The world of authorized distributors and independent brokers.

Your knowledge will be then be tested in a quiz of the material presented, providing you an opportunity to earn a certificate of completion. 

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